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Sunday, June 11, 2006

How accurate are test prep scores?

I took another mock CAT today (Peterson's 3rd test), with mixed results. I aced the quant section scoring 60, but got only 38 in verbal, for a total of 730. I was prepared for the law of diminishing returns, but not for negative returns :-). I got hammered in sentence correction, with an accuracy of only 60%. Anyway, I am looking at this positively because SC seems to be the only part of GMAT that I suck at, so I know where to concentrate my efforts.

How accurately do these scores predict the actual GMAT score? Is it possible that my quant scores are inflated or that my verbal scores are understated? I suppose the only way to find out would be to take tests by different vendors and average them out. That should eliminate the possibility that my style of thinking perfectly matches (or perfectly mismatches) that of the test maker. Sentence correction questions are the least objective ones and they should, in theory, show the greatest variance between different tests. The official test software (GMAT prep?) is likely to be the most accurate indicator, so I am saving it for the week before GMAT.

I noticed an unusual pattern in my scores - Q 50 + V 40 totals 740, but Q 60 + V 38 totals 730. This seems a bit strange. Scoring more than 50 in quant does not have any effect on the total score. Can anyone explain how the individual section scores are combined into the total score? Is there a fixed formula? I couldn't find this information on the GMAC website.


Blogger A said...

I don't know about other tests but, the new GMAT Prep is pretty close to the actual GMAT. So, i found it really good predictor of my actual score..+-20 marks.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Rico's Mom said...

I concur, sentence correction sucks! It's my weak point as well. Good luck to you!

1:14 PM  
Blogger MBABlogger said...

GMAT prep is the closest and hey I never saw anyone getting 60 on any of the tests :)

Good luck!!

2:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Q*9 +V*7 is the final score

2:22 PM  

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